Project Name: NPC-QIC Neurodevelopment Gross Motor Improvement Project
Project Phase: The Gross Motor Improvement Project is in the learning cohort phase.
Brief Summary: Improve quality of life for infants with single ventricle congenital heart disease and their families through the development of gross motor skills in the first year.
Improve gross motor development skills by 1 year of age as measured by:
Increase the percent of infants scoring in the “on target” range on the ASQ Gross Motor Domain at 12 months of age
Increase the percent of infants improving or staying on target between 6 and 12 months on the ASQ Gross Motor Domain
Participation Details: The Gross Motor Improvement Project is a closed group.
Julia Anxit, Physician, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Lauren Malik, Physical Therapist, Primary Children’s Hospital
Jennie Briend, Parent, Lucile S. Packard Children's Hospital, Stanford
Phase II Sponsor:
Linda Lambert, CFNP, University of Utah School of Medicine and Primary Children’s Hospital Heart Center
Process Measures
Percent of infants with level at referral or borderline for 6 months ASQ who are enrolled in physical therapy and/or early intervention program and/or occupational therapy at 9 month early intervention survey
Percent of infants with level at referral or borderline for 9 months ASQ who are enrolled in physical therapy and/or early intervention program and/or occupational therapy at 12 month early intervention survey
Percent of hospitalized patients whose parents are given a written, up-to-date developmental plan at 4 weeks post Stage 2 Palliation out of all patients hospitalized at 4 weeks post Stage 2 Palliation
Percent of patients whose parents are given a written, up-to-date developmental plan at Stage 2 Palliation discharge out of those patients discharged home after Stage 2 Palliation
ASQ completion rate at 6 months
ASQ completion rate at 12 months
Key Driver Diagram:
Questions? Please contact info@npcqic.org.